Mar 9, 2009

How to make your life healthier

In this life there are many things we do, which are not correct,and simply by doing these things we are destroying our lives.I will write my advices in clear points and if we all implement these actions,our environment and health will be better.

1.First inside our houses,in the kitchen,we should use less plastics as most of these products interact with food in a way or another and releases chemical affects our health.
2.Avoid overheating specially frying
3.Have a good ventilation system in your house.
4.Try to get rid of your waste in proper way
5.Indoor house plants are very good for refreshing the air inside and also your garden outside should be taken care of.
6.Unplug any electrical device you don't use.
7.The sun is very effective sterilizer.Thus make sure to get it's beams inside your house.
8.Try to use as less chemical products as you could especially for your skin.
9.Try to go to the bed early and wake up early and get as much as you can fresh air and do some exercises.
10.We all know the importance of all things around us ,so we should take our responsibility and engage in any activity that might be useful
11.Don't smoke and be happy.
12.Eat a balanced diet which is :carbohydrate 55%like rice,protein30%,fats<5%,minerals>.

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